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About This Blog and Its Author

Hi there! I’m Dawn and am so glad that you are here on my blog! Born and raised in the Midwest (KC girl at heart), I now live in North Texas in the DFW suburbs.

Like most people, my life is way too busy. I’m a wife, mom, stepmom, fur-baby mama to a very spoiled pup, daughter/caregiver, sister, aunt, teacher and friend.  I spend most of my free time trying to make my home more cozy — without spending too much money.

Creating spaces where others want to be and where they feel welcomed brings me joy. It is this idea that is the reason for, and beginning of, all of my creative efforts. My purpose in creating this blog is to share beautiful, creative and affordable ideas, to make our spaces more snug and cozy!

This past school year (my 17th in teaching), I realized that something is missing. I need to be creating more. I simply feel out of balance when I’m not.

I need to be writing more and creating more projects. And driving 45-60 minutes to work is no fun at all!

So I took a leap of faith, and I started writing.  And I chose to spend more time creating this year, instead of teaching.

Although I have loved interior decorating since high school, I didn’t pursue interior design, as I had been wanting to teach since 4th grade.

Yet, decorating continues to be my creative outlet, my passion, my hobby and favorite past time. Learning more about this makes me happy.

I have spent countless hours, decorating and redecorating my classrooms and home over the years. The students’ positive comments and smiles make it all very rewarding. Their smiles taught me that I can make a difference in someone’s day by creating an inviting space for them.

In our fast-paced stressful world today, people crave cozy, comfy spaces. This is seen in the popularity of coffee houses, covered patios with ceiling fans and fire pits, media rooms with couches and theater chairs and scented candles.

Spaces like this can appeal to all of our senses. Some people think of it as “feathering our nest,” or “making it their own.” I call it “snuggin’ up the space!”